Here are just a few examples of work from my portfolio as a freelance game developer.
If you have any questions about the following game development examples, please contact me >>
A frogger inspired Flash game developed to promote Activision's WII game of the same name.
This game was created using Actionscript 3 and featured 3D rendered assets from the console game. Indy's task is to cross the moving stumps to collect the artifact and return it to it's correct treasu... Read more >>
A Flash game conceptualised and developed using assets and inspiration from the film Kung Fu Panda.
Using inspiration from the training scenes from the film Kung Fu Panda, I conceptualised and developed The Field of Fiery Danger. Working alongside two talented artists, we created a Flash game that e... Read more >>
An action-packed Doritos-themed mobile game developed for Android and iPhone gamers.
Dip Desperado was developed as part of a wider marketing campaign to promote the sale of Doritos crisps and dips. iPhone and Android gamers were encouraged by national UK television advertisements and... Read more >>
A Flash Facebook game featuring Starwars characters, fast paced action and multiplayer challenges.
Escape from Kamino is a Flash side-scrolling jumping game programmed in Actionscript 3. The objective is to run as far as possible without falling off the platforms. There are Storm Troopers firing at... Read more >>
The official sequel to the popular viral flash game 'CamperStrike'.
CamperWars is a Flash shooting game that I'm currently developing. It features Facebook challenges, wallposts, invites and a Facebook integrated account system. There are an increasing number of weapo... Read more >>
A multiplayer 3D First Person Shooter developed in Flash.
Ultrakillz is a first person shooting game programmed in ActionScript 3. It has a very lightweight custom 3D engine developed with low-spec computers in mind - so that players can connect from public ... Read more >>
Oriental-style Flash physics game. Complete with level-editor.
Sumo Slam is a Flash ActionScript 3 project that was created as part of Capri-Sun's Big Flat and Twisty online gaming arcade. It was inspired by the console title Super-Smash Bros. The object of the g... Read more >>
Jump and open your parachute to land on the bus.
BaseJump was a physics based flash game created as part of an online competition for players win free tickets to V-Festival. The object of the game is to land on a bus by jumping from the crane. You n... Read more >>
An online rich media banner campaign developed in Flash and delivered via the MediaMind platform.
The online Flash banner development for this campaign contained three interactive games. The games developed included examples of Pairs, Puzzle and Tetris style games. The flash banners were designed ... Read more >>
A Flash game developed as a Facebook app. Simple interactions. Easy to play and hard to master.
Brock Bounce was created as part of a marketing campaign to promote Activision's new racing game 'Blur'. Coded using ActionScript 3, The objective of the game was to jump as high as you can on the ele... Read more >>